enough. 2021
The enough. will take place this year in several places around the city. However, the weekend events will again be concentrated in the Autonomous School and at Park Platz.
- Park Platz: Wasserwerkstrasse 101, 8037 Zurich
- Autonome Schule Zürich (ASZ): Sihlquai 125, 8005 Zurich, Top Floor
The program at Park Platz and the events during the week will be available in both English and German. If you need other translations, please contact us by email or at the info table before the event. For translations of the workshops at ASZ, please also contact us in advance as well. More information here.
Monday, September 6th
“Squatting McDonalds”: L’Après M on labor disputes in Marseille
19.00-20.30, Koch ArealInput – L’Après M
“Squatting McDonalds”: L’Après M on labor disputes in Marseille
On 2nd June Marseilles’ city council has officially intervened in order to buy the restaurant off McDonald’s and thereby preserve it as a grassroots place of solidarity and resistance. Having spent a lifetime working and fighting for better and fairer working conditions, the symbolism of requisitioning a multinational fast-food drive-in to help feed over 2,000 families a week is not lost on former employees and former local customers alike. In this interactive conference members of L’Après M will share their stories and let us know what the future holds for them.
About L’Après M
Located in one of the most neglected neighborhoods of Marseille, L’Après M (The After McDonald’s) is an occupied McDonald’s restaurant that former employees and locals have taken over and transformed into a major, self-organized and self-funded food bank in the stark Sainte-Marthe neighborhood of north Marseille. This McDonald’s was more than just a fast-food chain, it was a place where children met up to do their homework and place where people could go and meet which is rare in this isolated district. Since April 2020 more than 150’000 food parcels have been delivered by volunteers. In the next few months L’Après M plans to open a “fast-social-food”, a restaurant where you are handed your menu and the prices are determined by what you earn. It is a model to not only help the poorest to survive, but to fight back against the victimhood caused by capitalism.
“Amori. The Islands.” – Book presentation by Johanna Lier
19.00-20.00, ASZ, Top FloorReading and Discussion – Johanna Lier
“Amori. The Islands.” – Book presentation by Johanna Lier
With video statements of the protagonists of the book Abtin S., Junus B., Deniz C., Karim Q., Lizzy O., Filomela P. Moderation: Lorenz Naegeli.
«If I don’t get asylum in Europe, there is no other country in this world that will accept me. But the European authorities threaten me with deportation, although they would kill me in Kabul. That’s crazy and i don’t understand.» (Abtin S. 24 years old)
AMORI. DIE INSELN, published in May 2021 by Verlag die Brotsuppe in Biel, is a literary-documentary report about the everyday life and struggles in the Registration- and Reception Center Moria on the Greek island of Lesvos. The basic question asks about survival under conditions of constant denial of basic needs by the authorities.
The author Johanna Lier, who is an activist with Watch-the-Med Alarm-Phone, spent several months in Greece in 2018 and 2019. Rather by chance, she came to the Moria camp. A violent experience that did not allow the author to leave it behind so easily. As a result, based on James Baldwins essay «everybodys Protest Novel», she startet to research and to write.
Nine men and women from the Moria camp on the island of Lesbos, refugees and activists, tell the author (or her fictional alter ego Henny L.) what it takes to survive there. It is about hunger, cold, heat, war, violence and the radical loss of control over one’s own life.
They are escaping war, dictatorship, hunger and the effects of the climate catastrophe; some are in search of a better life; they come from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the Maghreb and sub-Saharan countries. What they all have in common is that they cross the Aegean Sea in unseaworthy rubber boats and are held in camps on the Greek islands until it is decided whether they can apply for asylum in Europe – or whether they will be deported to Turkey. That can take years.
AMORI. DIE INSELN is not a chronicle of the Skandale, but a documentary report that uses literary means to get as close as possible to the people involved. Centuries-old European practice is documented: the selection and the camp.
The protagonists set their own ideas of personal fulfillment and freedom against it.
Tuesday, September 7th
500 Years of Anti-Colonial Resistance – The Zapatistas Tour Europe
19.00-20.00, Koch ArealInput – Encuentro Feminista Zapatista Zurich/Basel und Direct Solidarity with Chiapas
500 Years of Anti-Colonial Resistance – The Zapatistas Tour Europe
A ship with a delegation of the Zapatistas, a guerrilla in the mountains of southern Mexico, docked in the Spanish port city of Vigo in mid-June 2021. This symbolic invasion is the prelude to the ‘Gira por la Vida’ (Journey for Life) of several months throughout Europe. The reason behind it: the 500th anniversary of the colonization of Mexico. The statement: “They did not conquer us”. What can we learn from this announcement? The event should have a lot of space for questions and open discussions. Nevertheless, in a first informative block we want to dedicate ourselves to the history, ideology and cosmovision of the Zapatistas, in order to then give a current update on the “Journey for Life” and a review of the Zapatista Days of Action in Basel.
About Encuentro Feminista Zapatista Zurich/Basel and Direct Solidarity with Chiapas
Encuentro Feminista Zapatista Zurich/ Basel formed in November 2020 as a FLINT group in Zurich due to the announcement of the Zapatista invasion of Europe.
Direct Solidarity with Chiapas has been an active solidarity group from Zurich since the uprising of the EZLN in 1994
Automated Injustice – How Algorithms Exacerbate Existing Discrimination
19.00-20.00, PhotobasteiInput – Dezentrum
Automated Injustice – How Algorithms Exacerbate Existing Discrimination
Algorithms decide whether you get a job, your asylum case is accepted or you are allowed to take out a loan. Although we know little about the decision-making criteria of these “black boxes,” they shape our everyday lives like never before. Many people still believe that these automated decisions are made impartially and fairly. But the opposite is the case. Using various case studies from Amazon, to Google, McKinsey or the Swiss state, we would like to show you how algorithms reinforce existing injustices and how they can discriminate and exclude people. But we also want to show what we can do about it and which projects are already actively working against these problems.
About Dezentrum
The Dezentrum is a think & do tank for digitalization and society. We research, sensitize and give impulses for innovation. In doing so, we work with universities, international alliances, and the public and private sectors. Always with the same goal: shaping a digital age that puts society at the center. Dezentrum is structured as a not-for-profit organization. It pays wages to its employees, but operates without the goal of maximizing profits and is owned by the non-profit, public association Dezentrum. We would be happy to tell you more in person or you can take a look at https://www.dezentrum.ch/verein/mitgliedschaften.
Wednesday, September 8th
What to do in Case of a Racist Police Stop?
20.00-21.00, ASZWorkshop – Alliance against Racial Profiling
What to do in Case of a Racist Police Stop?
Racist police controls are unfortunately part of everyday life in Switzerland for many people. More and more people are no longer willing to accept racial profiling without resistance. Discriminatory police controls based solely on appearance are illegal – what tactics do people use to oppose such racist controls and what can bystanders do? In this workshop, Alliance against Racial Profiling discusses experiences with racist police controls with everyone in the audience and talks about possibilities of anti-racist resistance, as Black people, People of Color and white people. Together, we address what we can do if we are controlled ourselves or observe a control, and how to build power for collective resistance. The Alliance Against Racial Profiling (www.stop-racial-profiling.ch) stands in solidarity with people who experience racist police controls and is a movement that fights racial profiling.
About Alliance against Racial Profiling
The Alliance against Racial Profiling is a widely supported movement that battles the institutional Racism in the Swiss Police corps and the Swiss Boarder Guard as well as its structural causes. We are a movement that was built originally in 2016 in the context of the process of Mohamed Wa Baile vs. Stadtpolizei Zürich . The Alliance against Racial Profiling develops activities all over Switzerland and supports local antiracist initiatives.
“The Trap” – Theatrical Performance by Riadh Ben Ammar
20.00-21.15, BlackBoxTheatre (DE) – Riadh Ben Ammar
“The Trap” – Theatrical Performance by Riadh Ben Ammar
Theatre – Riadh Ben Ammar
The play is a story about the closed EU external border and its misconceptions. You can’t live on the coast without having seen the other side at least once. In Tangier, Algiers or Tunis, even the cats sit in the harbor and look at the other side. Everyone wants to go there. Most of them dream about it…
The young people who manage to land in Europe try everything not to return empty-handed. Illegality, criminality and the constant fear of being deported are their everyday life.
For the right to freedom of movement!
About Riadh Ben Ammar
Riadh Ben Ammar came to Germany from Tunisia in the early 2000s. For a long time he was forced to live in a refugee camp in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Today, he lives between Tunisia and Germany and is one of the founders of Afrique-Europe-Interact.
Riadh has been performing plays for many years. His first play “Hurria!” was about the Arab Spring in Tunisia and its connection to the demand for freedom of movement. In the meantime, several plays have come to life, most recently “The Trap” which Riadh is performing as part of the enough. action days.
Thursday, September 9th
BIPoC Empowernment Workshop
19.00-21.30, BlackBoxWorkshop – Meral (Awareness Basel) und Claudia (Alliance against Racial Profiling)
BIPoC Empowernment Workshop
Even educational institutions such as schools and universities are not free of racism.
This workshop aims to support people with experiences of racism in their everyday life at educational institutions. The workshop creates a space to analyze different situations and to develop antiracist empowerment practices together in order to strengthen each other. Through exchange, physical exercises, and the compilation of individual empowerment practices, the participants will develop a personal ‘toolbox’ of strategies for action and resistance.
The workshop is explicitly aimed at pupils, students and employees of educational institutions who are exposed to racism, such as refugees, migrants, people with migration experience, “Second-generation” migrants, Black people, People of Color, Sinti, Roma, Yenish, Jewish, Muslim and many more. This is by no means an exhaustive list.
“Escaping Eritrea” – Filmscreening and Input (TW: Images of violence)
19.00-21.00, ZWZFilm (EN) und Discussion – Eritrean Media Association
“Escaping Eritrea” – Filmscreening and Input (TW: Images of violence)
Even though people from Eritrea make up the largest percentage of refugees in Switzerland, there is still little knowledge and a lot of disinformation about the repressive dictatorship in Eritrea. This is also because it is almost impossible to film and investigate in Eritrea. Eritreischer Medienbund Schweiz presents the PBS Frontline investigative documentary film «Escaping Eritrea», which provides a rare glimpse into the regime’s arbitrary detention methods, indefinite forced conscription into the military and torture. Yet in Switzerland, more and more Eritrean asylum seekers receive negative decisions. After the screening, several experts will provide inputs on the situation of Eritreans living in Switzerland.
Trigger warning: Images and stories of state and military violence.
About Eritrean Media Association
With more than 40,000 people, the Eritrean diaspora in Switzerland is one of the largest in Europe. Nevertheless, its members hardly have a say in the public. The Eritrean Media Association Switzerland (EMBS) was founded in 2015 out of the need to actively participate in the public debate. People from the Eritrean diaspora as well as Swiss citizens are involved in the EMBS. Their common goal is to use media appearances, events, panel discussions, reports and social media presence to inform and involve the public and to bring the discourse back to an informed level. In addition, the Media Alliance uses its platforms to communicate important information about life in Switzerland to Eritreans*.
Donnerstag, 9. September, 19.00-21.00 Uhr, ZWZ (Alte Zentralwäscherei), Neue Hard 12, 8005 Zürich, Kantine, 5. OG
ፊልም (ኢ) ከምኡውን ምይይጥ – ማሕበር መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ኤርትራ / Film (E) und Diskussion – Eritreischer Medienbund)
ኣብ ስዊዘርላንድ ካብ ዝርከቡ ስደተኛታት እቶም ዝበዝሑ ካብ ኤርትራ ዝመጹ እኳ እንተዀኑ ብዛዕባ እቲ ጨቋኒ ውልቀ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ግን ውሑድ ፍልጠትን(ሓቅታትን) ብዙሕ ዝተዋቐዐ ሓበሬታን ኣሎ። እዚ ዝዀነሉ ምኽንያት ከኣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ፊልም ንምስኣልን ምርምር ንምግባርን ዳርጋ ፈጺሙ ዘይከኣል ብምዃኑ እዩ።
ማሕበር መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ኤርትራዊ- ስዊዘርላንድ ነታ ብ PBS ፍሮንትላይን እተዳለወት „ካብ ኤርትሩ ምህዳም“ ዘርእስታ መርማሪት ፊልም የቕረብ። እዚ ኸኣ ብዛዕባ እቲ ስርዓት ብዘይ ፍቓድ ዝግበር ናይ ማእሰርቲ ሜላታትን ንውትህድርና ንዘልኣለም ንክኽተቡ ኣገዲድካ ምእታውን ከምኡውን ብዛዕባ ስቓይ ምስትውዓል ይህብ። ይኹን እምበር ቍጽሮም እናወሰኸ ዝኸይድ ዘሎ ኣብ ስዊዘርላንድ ዝርከቡ ዑቕባ ዝደልዩ ኤርትራውያን ኣሉታዊ ውሳነ ይወሃቦም ኣሎ፡ (ይንጸጉ ኣለዉ) ።
ደድሕሪ እታ ፊልም ሓያሎ ክኢላታት ብዛዕባ ኩነታት እቶም ኣብ ስዊዘርላንድ ዝነብሩ ኤርትራውያን ሓበሬታ ክህቡ እዮም።
መጠንቀቕታ፡ ብዛዕባ መንግስትን ወተሃደራዊ ዓመጽን ዝገልጽ ስእልታትን ዛንታታትን።
Friday, September 10th
Velotour d’Horizon: Open Meeting
14.00-16.30, ASZOpen Networking Meeting – Velotour d’Horizon
Velotour d’Horizon: Open Meeting
In the run-up to the enough weekend, there will be an exchange afternoon on the next supra-regional ideas. If you want to join in the thinking or just learn more about the actions, then come to the meeting!
Part 1: Demo “For a free and dignified life” on 2 October 2021 in Bern. Current information and discussion of the speeches. We need to clarify who will speak for which groups and on which topic?
Part 2: Collection of ideas and distribution of tasks for the Velotour d’Horizon 2022. Next year we would like to break out of the daily routine again and spend time together for a week (or more)! What form the event will take next year is still open. Whether it will be a stationary event or a tour, next year’s goal is to become even more inclusive and to reach out to non-bikers, children and more women.
“Abolish Frontex – Stop Deportations – Fight the Camp System” Demonstration
19.00, Meeting point at the National MuseumDemonstration
“Abolish Frontex – Stop Deportations – Fight the Camp System” Demonstration

Let us stand together against the militarized borders of Europe and their “protection agency” Frontex. Let us resist deportations and the camp system. It’s clear: Nobody should be forced to return to a place from which they fled.

Saturday, September 11th
Blackbox Federal Asylum Center: Civil Society Options Against Isolation
11.00-12.30, ASZWorkshop – Pikett Asyl and Space of Solidarity (SoS)
Blackbox Federal Asylum Center: Civil Society Options Against Isolation
Since the revision of the asylum law came into force in 2019, refugees are increasingly being housed in camp-like federal asylum centers (BAZ) for longer periods of time. This massively complicates access to civil society actors, solidarity projects, and legal support for asylum seekers. In our workshop we want to discuss together which challenges arise from the seclusion of these federal camps, which experiences we have made with them and which options for action we see. The project “Pikett Asyl” of the Freiplatzaktion Zürich, which campaigns for the rights of BAZ residents, the visiting group of the BAZ in Embrach, “Space of Solidarity”, as well as a former BAZ resident and volunteer at the project “Eusi Chuchi” will be involved. We will show how civic engagement can be realized, what hurdles there are and where the interfaces and boundaries to activist legal advice lie. Last but not least, the workshop is intended to call for civil society and activist engagement in the field of BAZ, so that the problematic conditions in BAZ come more into the light of the public.
Jafar, Eusi Chuchi (Solinetz)
Nasim, ehemaliger BAZ-Bewohner
Nora, Pikett Asyl (Freiplatzaktion Zürich)
Philipp, Space of Solidarity
Moderation: Sophie, Solidarité sans frontières
About Space of Solidarity and Pikett Asyl (Freiplatzaktion Zürich)
“Space of Solidarity” – We are a collective of diverse people who have come together as part of the Space of Solidarity project. In our collective, some people have had their own experiences with migration and flight, but most have not. With Space of Solidarity we have created a space outside the Federal Asylum Center in Embrach and try to break the isolation.
The Freiplatzaktion Zürich (FPA) is committed to advocating for the rights of asylum seekers and migrants. To this end, it offers professional and state-independent legal advice, brings legal irregularities to public attention and is involved in local and national political projects. In its activities, Freiplatzaktion Zürich is guided by the principle of “activist legal work”. In its understanding, legal work is “activist” when people are given unrestricted access to legal work, when legal workers show solidarity with their clients and when legal work is political. Activist legal work stands up for the right to rights – for all people regardless of their residence status. https://freiplatzaktion.ch/startseite
Climate Crisis and Flight – Using the Kenyan Flower Industry and Deforestation in African Countries as Examples
11.00-12.30, Park PlatzInput – Women in Exile
Climate Crisis and Flight – Using the Kenyan Flower Industry and Deforestation in African Countries as Examples
Companies from the global north still exploit ecosystems and Black, Indigenous and People of Colour. They do this by different means, such as land- & water grabbing which is contributing to the destruction and change of eco-systems, labour and resources exploitation as factors contributing to climate changes and affecting peoples lives, leading to migration and flight. This workshop addresses concrete examples from the Kenya flower industry and tropical deforestation in African countries and the role of multinational companies.
The consequences of this exploitation are environmental destruction, diseases, depletion of resources and a violation of human rights. Discrimination, racism and inequality is an essential focus for Anti-racism activitists from the global north in order to fight the gap between the privileges enjoyed on the global north and the exploitation of the global south.
About Women in Exile
Women in Exile is an initiative founded in Brandenburg in 2002 by refugee women to fight for their rights. We decided to organize as a refugee women’s group because we have made the experience that refugee women are doubly discriminated against, not only by racist laws and discriminative refugee laws in general but also as women. The struggle against these laws is usually supported by mixed-sex refugee self-organizations and in our experience, these are often dominated by men who consider other issues as more important. Women in Exile e.V. was founded in Potsdam in 2011 and is recognized as a non-profit association. ‘Women in Exile & Friends’ was formed in 2011 by Women in Exile & activists in solidarity without refugee background. Together, we conduct the campaign titled “No Lager for Women! Abolish all Lagers!”
Our fundamental political goal is the utopia of a just society without exclusion and discrimination, with equal rights for all, irrespective of where they come from and where they go to. In concrete policy terms we focus on the abolition of all laws discriminatory to asylum seekers and migrants and on the interconnections of racism and sexism. We perceive ourselves as a feminist organisation and are one of the few links between the women’s movement and the refugees’ movement.
In our group we experience that women can relate to each other, regardless of all differences like age, origin, religion, status, sexual orientation or other factors, and can make an impact together. Together we develop strategies to achieve political change and take our protest against the inhumane living conditions of refugee women to the public.
Undocumented people: Life in the Shadows – An audio tour through Kalkbreite
13.00 - 14.00, KalkbreiteTour – SPAZ
Undocumented people: Life in the Shadows – An audio tour through Kalkbreite
How would you cope if healthcare, regulated housing, the job market or mobility were not open to you? What would you do if you were in danger of losing your livelihood and being deported if you demanded the rights you were entitled to? There are 10,000 migrants living and working in the city of Zurich without regular residence status. It is not easy to imagine with which everyday problems and fears Sans-Papiers live here. Put the headphones in your iPhone and take the perspective of a Sans-Papiers in a tour through the Kalkbreite for one hour and inform yourself. The tour leads through the building of the Kalkbreite cooperative and takes about an hour.
About SPAZ
The association Sans-Papiers Anlaufstelle Zürich was founded in April 2005 on the initiative of trade unions, migrant organizations and individuals.
The Sans-Papiers Anlaufstelle Zürich (SPAZ) advises migrants without regular residence status on social and legal issues. It works to ensure that Sans-Papiers can exercise their basic rights and defend themselves against fraud and exploitation. It sensitizes the state and the public to the issue of Sans-Papiers and their precarious living situation. SPAZ is committed to a fundamental improvement of the situation of Sans-Papiers and their regularization.
Segregation Politics vs. Freedom of Movement – The Consequences of the Closed EU External Border for North African Society Using the Example of Tunisia
13.00-14.30, ASZInput – Riadh Ben Ammar
Segregation Politics vs. Freedom of Movement – The Consequences of the Closed EU External Border for North African Society Using the Example of Tunisia
In the 1970s and 1980s, before the existence of the European Union, many people traveled back and forth between the North African coast and Southern Europe. The Mediterranean was divided between all of them. But today, the North African coast is blocked by the closed EU external border. This includes the 1200 km long Tunisian coastal strip. Since the existence of the visa regime, the visa has become a symbol of the closed EU external border. However, getting a visa in Tunisia and most other countries in the Global South is impossible for most people and denies the right to freedom of movement. What are the consequences of Tunisia’s current isolation for Tunisian society? Can a democracy function in such a closed space? What role does the neighboring EU play in Tunisia? What is the situation of people from North Africa who cross the EU’s external border and are now threatened with deportation?
About Riadh Ben Ammar
Riadh Ben Ammar came to Germany from Tunisia in the early 2000s. For a long time he was kept in a refugee camp in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. He lives between Tunisia and Germany and is one of the founders of Afrique-Europe-Interact.
Riadh has been performing plays for many years. His first play “Hurria!” was about the Arab Spring in Tunisia and its connection to the demand for freedom of movement – in the meantime several plays have been added – most recently the play “The Trap” that Riadh is performing as part of the enough. Action Days.
Frontex and Switzerland
13.00-14.00, Park PlatzInput – Abolish Frontex
Frontex and Switzerland
What does the EU border protection agency Frontex have to do with Switzerland? How is the air surveillance of the Mediterranean Sea used as a migration defense?
Two activists from Watch the Med Alarm Phone will give insight into the European isolationist policy at this information event. In the first part, the connection between Frontex and Switzerland will be explained (in German). In the second half, the co-author of the report “Remote Control” (LINK: https://eu-libya.info/), explains the cooperation between the EU and Libya (in English).
The info event is part of the association “Abolish Frontex – also in Switzerland” and refers to the transnational campaign #AbolishFrontex (abolsihfrontex.org). The goal is to make the crimes at the EU external borders visible & to organize together against the EU border regime.
Block War Materials – Open Ports for Refugees: The Dockers of C.A.L.P. from Genoa
14.30-15.30, Park PlatzInput – C.A.L.P.
Block War Materials – Open Ports for Refugees: The Dockers of C.A.L.P. from Genoa
Three people from C.A.L.P. highlight the entanglement between Europe’s arms exports and the causes of flight and report on their practical resistance at a central transhipment point for war materials – the port of Genoa. With their direct actions and the blocking of ships they connect anti-capitalist, anti-militarist, anti-racist and migration struggles, which is also reflected in their central demand: “Block war materials – open ports for refugees!”
About C.A.L.P.
In direct actions across Europe, dockers in various countries prevented freighters with war material from leaving for Yemen. The dockers of the “Collettivo Autonomo Lavoratori Portuali” (C.A.L.P.) were successful in May 2019: thanks to their strike, a ship with war material could not leave the port of Genoa. This summer, in solidarity with the people in Palestine, they blocked the export of military supplies to Israel. But their perspective is not limited to anti-militarism: C.A.L.P. further demands to close the ports for war material exports and to open them for refugees and advocates for the rights of migrant workers.
Return Watch: a critical look at “voluntary” return programs
15.00-16.00, ASZInput – Medico International
Return Watch: a critical look at “voluntary” return programs
The project Return Watch of medico international is online since Monday, August 23, 2021. Since deportations cannot be implemented in the politically desired numbers, the German government and the EU (and also Switzerland) increasingly rely on “voluntary” return programs. The research project takes a critical look at these programs and tells the stories of those who are worse off after their return. In this way, Return Watch documents the progressive use of development policy for migration defense and criticizes the pressure to leave, the lack of alternatives, and a policy of false hopes. At the same time, the website also bundles resistances against this policy. Because the desire and the right to a life in security and dignity cannot be driven away.
At the center of the website are the testimonies of returnees from Morocco, Afghanistan, Iraq and Northern Iraq, Nigeria and Mali. They make it clear that the promotion of voluntary return and reintegration is often not used of one’s own free will, but rather out of necessity and lack of alternative. Many returnees end up in hopeless and even threatening situations in their country of origin. These interviews show that decisions to return with the help of official programs usually have little to do with voluntariness.
During the Action Days, Nina VIoletta Schwarz from Medico will present the project Return Watch, which brings together articles of journalistic background and political positions, short films and numerous stories and illustrated portraits of returnees. The aim of the project is to make visible the cynical logic of “voluntary return” and to put the topic on the agenda of the debate for the federal elections in September.
About Medico International
For over 50 years, medico international has been providing aid to people in need and working to eliminate the structural causes of poverty and exclusion. In 1997, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, initiated by medico, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In solidarity with the excluded and marginalized in the global South, medico advocates for humane living conditions that provide the highest level of health and social justice. The goal is to not only alleviate poverty, hardship and violence, but to identify and overcome their causes. For the world is not suffering from too little help, but from conditions that make more and more help necessary. Crises and emergencies do not fall from the sky. Poverty and violence have their roots in global relations of exploitation and domination. Therefore, active and critical public relations work is a central task of medico international.
Everyday life of undocumented people in Zurich: A joint discussion with SPAZ
16.00-17.00, Park PlatzPanel – SPAZ
Everyday life of undocumented people in Zurich: A joint discussion with SPAZ
In a short presentation, the Sans Papier Anlaufstelle Zürich (SPAZ) introduces its work. In addition, people having experienced illegalization through the state about their realities of life as illegalized persons in the Zurich region and about political perspectives on this.
About SPAZ
The association Sans-Papiers Anlaufstelle Zürich was founded in April 2005 on the initiative of trade unions, migrant organizations and individuals.
The Sans-Papiers Anlaufstelle Zürich (SPAZ) advises migrants without regular residence status on social and legal issues. It works to ensure that Sans-Papiers can exercise their basic rights and defend themselves against fraud and exploitation. It sensitizes the state and the public to the issue of Sans-Papiers and their precarious living situation. SPAZ is committed to a fundamental improvement of the situation of Sans-Papiers and their regularization.
Solidarity – Against Exclusion, Isolation and Repression in Emergency Camps
16.30-17.30, ASZWorkshop – Alliance Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird
Solidarity – Against Exclusion, Isolation and Repression in Emergency Camps
Restraints, compulsory presence, penalties for “illegal” residence: Since its foundation, the alliance “Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird…” has been campaigning against a legally legitimized repressive regime that relies on harassment and exclusion and tramples on the basic rights of rejected asylum seekers in the canton of Zurich. An important part of this work is regular visits to the five emergency camps and the two federal asylum camps. In addition, various action days were organized together with those affected, a network for legal support was set up, the solidarity structures in the communities of the camps were strengthened, and a bicycle workshop was launched to help people improve their mobility. On the one hand, activists will give an insight into the history and activities of “Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird…”. On the other hand we’ll present possibilities to join the alliance and work together on future perspectives.
About Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird…
The alliance “Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird…” was formed in early 2017 as a reaction to the increasing repression against rejected asylum seekers in the canton of Zurich. The alliance has since organized a series of actions and events to actively counter the silence surrounding these violent politics. Regular visits to the camps are an important part of this. A network of legal supporters has also grown out of the alliance.
More information here.
Contact: info@wo-unrecht-zu-recht-wird.ch
Externalisation of the European Migration Regime: Perspectives on Impact and Resistance
18.00-19.30, Park PlatzPanel – Sudan Uprising Germany, Alarmphone Sahara, Afrique-Europe-Interact and Medico International
Externalisation of the European Migration Regime: Perspectives on Impact and Resistance
Europe is outsourcing its borders. Through ever closer cooperation with different actors in so-called transit countries and countries of origin, migration is increasingly controlled already outside the Schengen area along the interests of European states. With economic incentives and political pressure, they enforce their agenda and create a neocolonial border regime that reaches far beyond Europe. Thus, while local power holders are strengthened and local realities are massively influenced, migration realities are increasingly pushed into invisibility. Four people from different regions and projects will report on the different faces of externalization. What interests are being pursued? How does the politics of externalization manifest itself? What effects does it have on migrants and the local population? How can resistance, solidarity and autonomy of migration look like? These questions will be discussed against the backdrop of examples such as the visa regime in the context of Tunisia, the European financing of the Janjaweed militia involved in the genocide in Darfur, and the criminalization of migration that was enforced in Niger under considerable pressure from the EU.
Sudan Uprising Germany: SudanUprising Germany is a collective and political platform that was founded by Sudanese and Sudanese-German activists in Germany at the beginning of the Sudanese revolution of 2018-2019. An anti-colonialist perspective is the heart of their activism, as they realize that so much of the marginalization of groups within their countries, and of the Global South, is a product of the colonial legacy and the colonial domination of Africa and beyond. As such, SudanUprising Germany are always in conversation with other activists from social movements in Berlin, both from Germany and from around the world.
Afrique-Europe-Interact: Afrique-Europe-Interact is a transnational network of grassroots activists, including numerous self-organised refugees, migrants and deportees. The network pursues two goals in particular: On the one hand, to support refugees and migrants in their struggles for freedom of movement and equal rights. On the other hand, a discussion about the right to stay, i.e. the possibility to live a life under safe, dignified and self-determined conditions at home or in the country of origin.
Medico International “Return Watch”: Medico International has been campaigning against the consequences of European externalisation policies for years. In its latest project, “Return Watch”, Medico highlights the consequences of this policy. It focuses on the experiences of returnees from Morocco, Afghanistan, Iraq and Northern Iraq, Nigeria and Mali. They show that so-called “voluntary” return and reintegration support is often not used of one’s own free will, but rather out of necessity and lack of alternative – they are the result of the structural violence of the externalisation regime.
Deutsch: freiwillige-rueckkehr.de; Englisch: return-watch.org; Französisch: return-watch.org/fr
Alarmphone Sahara: Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) is a cooperation project between associations, groups and individuals in the Sahel-Saharan region and Europe. APS both aims at sensitizing migrants to their rights and the danger they might face, organizes rescue for migrants in distress in the desert, but also documents crimes, human rights violations and road harassment and denounces the regional, sub-regional, national and international policies that endanger the lives of migrants and violate the right to freedom of movement. APS is in solidarity and recognizes the right to life, freedom of movement, respect for the physical and moral integrity of the human person and equality between human beings. https://alarmephonesahara.info/en/about/who-is-alarme-phone-sahara
Moderated by Jana Häberlin. Jana is active in various migration policy contexts, including the contact point for Sans-Papiers in Basel. Jana brings practical perspectives on the externalisation of EU migration policy, especially with regard to its outsourcing to the Balkan states. In various university contexts, she teaches on topics including border regimes.
Racism and mental health
18.00-19.30, ASZInput – Linke PoC
Racism and mental health
Based on their own experience and the current state of research, health care workers and affected people talk about the institutional and personal effects of racism on mental health: Refugees, migrant people and BIPOC have more difficult access to health care institutions, be it through linguistic, cultural, legal or financial barriers. At the same time, they are also exposed to greater stress and trauma from racism and colonialism. As affected people are thus exposed to multiple discrimination, they are at increased risk of being affected by abusive behavior.
About Linke PoC
We, Left PoC and Migrantifa, are self-organized groups that fight intersectional racism, patriarchy and colonialism by exchanging and acting.

Sunday, September 12th
Taking the Conversation Back – Acknowledging Racism in Switzerland
11.00-13.00, Park PlatzWorkshop (EN) – Racial Justice Student Collective
Taking the Conversation Back – Acknowledging Racism in Switzerland
During this workshop, we aim to create a safer space and a space of mindfulness where BIPoC stories can be heard and we all, together, critically address the ignorance that protects the status quo of injustices and reassess what it means to acknowledge the invisibilization of BIPoC presence and histories in Switzerland. This workshop sets the stage for the actions needed towards healing and liberation: acknowledging, reassessing, and repairing. In other words, a starting point as a community to rewrite the narratives and together dismantle racist structures.
About Racial Justice Student Collective
The Racial Justice Student Collective is a group of Black people, Indigenous people, people of color and white allies, committed to addressing systemic racism within and outside of Swiss universities, and to supporting racial justice organizing across Switzerland. Taking our inspiration from the need to decolonize academia, we are guided by perspectives that insist on acknowledging and dismantling systemic racism embedded within all institutions, and deconstructing “Western” universities’ role in colonial projects whose violence continues to underpin systemic racism today.
Sexualized Violence, Flight and Migration (no cis men)
12.00-14.00, ASZPanel
Sexualized Violence, Flight and Migration (no cis men)
Violence against women is multifaceted, also in the context of flight and migration: patriarchal violence in and through the Swiss asylum procedure; sexualized violence and danger to life as “insufficient” reasons for asylum; forms of violence and harassment of women in asylum camps and prisons. What are women’s experiences before, during and after flight and migration? At this panel, survivors talk about their immediate and violent experiences in the context of flight and migration and possible resistance against it.
Isolation and Racism in Asylum Camps
14.30-16.00, ASZInput – ROTA Aargau
Isolation and Racism in Asylum Camps
ROTA Aargau, together with asylum seekers and refugees, will bring their stories and realities to the stage during their input “Isolation and Racism”.
About ROTA
ROTA; is a structure in which all migrants who have immigrated voluntarily or forcibly create their self-organization in social, cultural, economic, political and many other fields.
ROTA stands against all kinds of oppression and discriminatory attitudes and policies that marginalize people regardless of religion, language, race and gender. However, it defines itself in opposition to racism, hierarchy, homophobia and adopts a collective form of organization. Regardless of their status (from citizenship to undocumented migrants), every person with a migrant background has a place in ROTA.
ROTA understands self-organization as an organization of solidarity, with which migrants can have their say, fight and act together in all questions of life and organizes itself in this way.
ROTA is a structure that carries out all this work in solidarity, without regular and direct support from any institution, association or state.
Solidarity strengthens the migrant resistance.
Education for all
14.00-15.00, Park PlatzWorkshop – ASZ
Education for all
Is education a privilege in Switzerland? Access to education in Switzerland is not the same for everyone. Some are denied it altogether, for others it is made considerably more difficult. What does this mean and what needs to change?
About Autonomous School Zurich (ASZ)
he Autonomous School Zurich is a project against racism and injustice. It is a meeting place where you can get to know other people.
The ASZ is a self-organised school, collectively managed. It is independent from the state.
A city walk through Zurich’s colonial past (registration necessary)
14.00-16.00, Meeting point Wiedikon train stationCity walk (DE) – ZH Kolonial
A city walk through Zurich’s colonial past (registration necessary)
City walk – ZH Kolonial
The public perception is that Switzerland has little to do with colonialism, because it never had any colonies. In fact, however, Swiss citizens participated in the colonialism of other countries. The effects of this can still be seen today in global differences in prosperity and racial prejudices. The association Zürich Kolonial offers the possibility to explore different places with colonial backgrounds in Zürich during a city walk. (www.zh-kolonial.ch)
Registration: Please send an email to info@zh-kolonial.ch if you want to participate in the city walk.
Meeting point: Wiedikon train station – in front of the main entrance
Language: German
About ZH Kolonial
The Zürich Kolonial association emerged from the academic environment of historical studies in Zurich. Our goal is to inform a broad public about Zürich’s colonial history by means of an audio guide. In doing so, we rely on a public and cooperative approach, in the course of which we constantly review and develop our concepts. With the city tour we want to draw attention to colonial entanglements and continuous connections and thus advocate for a non-violent, just and tolerant society.
Terrarium Workshop
15.00, Meeting point Park PlatzWorkshop – ROTA Basel
Terrarium Workshop
A terrarium is a tiny ecosystem where you usually keep small plants or animals to protect or observe them. It is a lot of fun to build such a terrarium yourself and apart from that it is also very useful because you can explain to children, for example, the water cycle through the processes of evaporation and condensation in a terrarium. Because of these processes that conserve water and moisture inside the terrarium, plants can survive for years without being watered. Through this workshop, which we also plan to offer at the enough. Action Days, we respond to the socialization and employment needs of isolated migrants and refugees.
About ROTA
ROTA; is a structure in which all migrants who have immigrated voluntarily or forcibly create their self-organization in social, cultural, economic, political and many other fields.
ROTA stands against all kinds of oppression and discriminatory attitudes and policies that marginalize people regardless of religion, language, race and gender. However, it defines itself in opposition to racism, hierarchy, homophobia and adopts a collective form of organization. Regardless of their status (from citizenship to undocumented migrants), every person with a migrant background has a place in ROTA.
ROTA understands self-organization as an organization of solidarity, with which migrants can have their say, fight and act together in all questions of life and organizes itself in this way.
ROTA is a structure that carries out all this work in solidarity, without regular and direct support from any institution, association or state.
Solidarity strengthens the migrant resistance.
Housing and Migration as transnational anti-racist struggles
15.30-16.30, Park PlatzInput – E.A.S.T.
Housing and Migration as transnational anti-racist struggles
Social Housing Now! and Infokolpa are part of the emerging E.A.S.T. – Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational network composed mostly of women, migrants, workers and activists, born out of the struggles on social reproduction triggered by the pandemic crisis. After the short presentations of two case studies about housing in Romania and migration through the Balkanroute, the speakers would like to invite the audience to discuss together the possibilities of an anti-racist transnational movement that would be able to bring into the forefront the intersections of housing and migration with anti-racist activism. Where are the convergences and differences of activism for the right to housing and to free movement and what do we need in order to facilitate transnational and intersectional solidarity between different groups of people? How could we mobilize and align our fights in order to combat external border racism as well as institutional racism on a national level in Eastern-Europe’s post-socialist capitalism? What kind of transnational action do we imagine to aid both external border and internal housing struggles?
About E.A.S.T.
Social Housing NOW! is an activist movement for housing justice based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In order to create a city for people and not for profit, as a political activist movement we propose a development model for the city of Cluj, which: targets the extension of public housing stock, including social housing; allocates an adequate budget for related public interventions; ensures the access to social housing for low income people who live under deprived housing conditions; supports from the public budget alternative housing models, such as different forms of collectives living or cooperative housing.
E.A.S.T. (Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational) is a network composed mostly of women, migrants, workers and activists born out of the struggles on social reproduction triggered by the pandemic in 2020. E.A.S.T. has Eastern and Central Europe as its main focus but looks at this specific space as a part of a transnational field of struggle. The network wants to ignite new struggles and strikes against exploitation, male violence and institutional racism by connecting existing struggles and building a common space of organization, which overcomes the local and national isolation and fragmentation of single social and labor initiatives.
Workshop on Swiss Asylum Law
16.30-18.00, ASZWorkshop – AsyLex und Zurich Legal
Workshop on Swiss Asylum Law
Refugees who apply for asylum in Switzerland often have the problem that their “fingerprints” have already been registered in another Schengen state. The authorities therefore do not act on their asylum applications and try to deport them to the respective states. For this purpose, people are regularly locked up in airport jails or prohibited to leave the area of their accommodation. In the workshop organized by Asylex and Zurich Legal, the practice of Dublin procedures, administrative detention and criminal law for foreigners as well as the legal scope of action are presented in a comprehensible way. Together, low-threshold support options and strategic perspectives are discussed.
About AsyLex and Zurich Legal
Zurich Legal advises and represents clients in the context of migration and asylum law and offers its expertise on coercive measures and fundamental rights issues of the immigration law. https://zurichlegal.ch
AsyLex is an association that advises and represents asylum seekers throughout Switzerland in their proceedings and attempts to ensure access to free legal advice at all times, particularly by means of online legal advice. For almost a year now, the detention team has been dedicated to the consultation and representation of persons in administrative detention under immigration law. https://www.asylex.ch
Women in Exile: A self-organized project of refugee women
17.00-18.00, Park PlatzInput – Women in Exile
Women in Exile: A self-organized project of refugee women
About Women in Exile
Women in Exile is an initiative founded in Brandenburg in 2002 by refugee women to fight for their rights. We decided to organize as a refugee women’s group because we have made the experience that refugee women are doubly discriminated against, not only by racist laws and discriminative refugee laws in general but also as women. The struggle against these laws is usually supported by mixed-sex refugee self-organizations and in our experience, these are often dominated by men who consider other issues as more important.
Women in Exile e.V. was founded in Potsdam in 2011 and is recognized as a non-profit association. ‘Women in Exile & Friends’ was formed in 2011 by Women in Exile & activists in solidarity without refugee background. Together, we conduct the campaign titled “No Lager for Women! Abolish all Lagers!”
Our fundamental political goal is the utopia of a just society without exclusion and discrimination, with equal rights for all, irrespective of where they come from and where they go to. In concrete policy terms we focus on the abolition of all laws discriminatory to asylum seekers and migrants and on the interconnections of racism and sexism. We perceive ourselves as a feminist organisation and are one of the few links between the women’s movement and the refugees’ movement.
In our group we experience that women can relate to each other, regardless of all differences like age, origin, religion, status, sexual orientation or other factors, and can make an impact together. Together we develop strategies to achieve political change and take our protest against the inhumane living conditions of refugee women to the public.
More during the weekend
On Saturday and Sunday, you will find various art, audio and video contributions at the multimedia room and other locations at Park Platz as well as information stands by different groups that you can visit throughout the whole weekend.
- Information point enough.
- Information stand by the Autonomous School Zurich (ASZ)
- Information stand by SEEBRÜCKE Schweiz
- Information stand by Watch the Med Alarmphone
- Information stand by the Eritrean Media Association
- Stand by the project Solidruck
- Information stand by antira.org und der antira-Wochenschau
- Information stand by ROTA
- Art exhibition “Isolation in the Asylum Regime” by ROTA: Camps set up in forests, on mountain tops or in the far corners of this country! The idea of the good hiding place is provoked. Dozens of these camps and hundreds of fled people, damn! Far away from everything and everyone, deprived of movement and understanding, waiting. Waiting without horizon, without sun, without end. Diseases spread, drag on, set in. We want to illuminate these non-places with a small photo exhibition.
- Art exhibition “Fortress Europe” by ROTA: Between 2016 and 2020, more than 20,400 people have lost their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea and reach Europe. If the European border regime does not change its policies, many more will follow. The exhibition asks about the conditions of change of this policy and commemorates every single life that had to be lost as a result of it.
- Podcast (DE) “Mier sind nöd dini exotischi Fantasie” von Niramy Pathmanathan
- Art exhibition “Decay” by ROTA (at ASZ): On display is a painting on canvas, asphalt oil, on the theme of “Transgenerational Trauma”. It reflects the motif of decay, the solidification of the individual (and thus society), numb and meaningless, through an artistic exploration of the materials of rotten, rusty, burnt textures. The world is heading toward rapid global decay and collapse. The emergence of a consumer society has produced a degenerate society with cultural decay and corrupt ethical values. The society in which we live has become a disease in which both the psychology of the individual and the phenomenon of society are beginning to rot in a cycle of consumption, a cycle that follows desire to have rather than need.
On Saturday evening there will be various musical contributions from 18.30 to 23.00. Important: During the concerts dancing is not allowed.
18.30-19.30 Alejandra Gaviria A.K.A. DJ Xmona
20.00-20.30 Proyecto Iris
20.45- 21.30 Scharlachmaria Musik
22.00-23.00 Nive
Food and drinks at Park Platz during the weekend
On Saturday and Sunday there will be various food and drink options at Park Platz. In addition to the Parki Café and Parki Kitchen, a Soli Bar and several Soli food stands – on Saturday from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. and on Sunday from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. – will offer a variety of drinks and dishes.
Saturday, September 11th
- Koshary and hibiscus ice tea
- Sandwicheria with homemade bread and all kinds of toppings
- The Parki kitchen will serve köfte, fish and chips, halloumi and fried cauliflower with various salads and sauces
- The Parki Café offers sweet pastries and cakes
Sunday, September 12th
- Pizzaria Anarchia will make pizza fritta
- ROTA serves gözleme
- The Parki kitchen makes french fries and deep fried apple cakes with warm vanilla sauce
- The Parki Café offers sweet pastries and cakes
More on the 16th/17th
19.30, im MAXIM Theatre, Limmatstrasse 45, 8005 Zurich
The “Mittelmeer Monologe” tell of Naomie from Cameroon and Yassin from Libya, of political resistance, of a boat on its way to Europe, of brutal coast guards and dubious sea rescue coordination centres. It also tells of activists who are doing something to stop the deaths in the Mediterranean. They do what can no longer be taken for granted: they save human lives. As we currently see in Afghanistan, people are living in helpless terror and are forced to move. Since 1993, more than 44,000 people have died trying to flee to Europe. The “Mittelmeer Monologe” are documentary, verbatim theatre based on interviews lasting several hours. Real cases of sea rescue are reconstructed and told from the perspective of those affected as well as activists. More Information here.
- A production of the transcultural MAXIM Theatre Zurich.
- Written and directed by: Michael Ruf, Wort und Herzschlag, Berlin
- Performers: Rowan Blockey, Sofia Borsani, Aaron Defant, Giulio Tanasini, Luisa Wolf
- The theatre will be followed by a discussion.
- Admission: 25.- / 15.- (0.- with ID card N) / 35.- (soli price)